12月中旬,一架從美國加州洛杉磯飛往以色列特拉維夫的班機即將降落。機長說:”我是你們的機長,這是El Al以色列航空761航班的終點。 我們歡迎你們來到本古里安機場和特拉維夫。 請繼續留在您的座位上,繫好安全帶,直到飛機完全停止,安全帶指示燈熄滅後再離開座位。對於那些仍在座位上的人,我們祝你聖誕快樂,新年如意”。
您覺得這猶太笑話的笑點是什麼? 有搭過以色列航空的, 請告訴我們您的經驗, 另外, 猶太人的聖誕節是什麼樣子的, 知道的也請多多發表.
In mid-December, a flight from Los Angels to Tel Aviv is about to land. The captain says, “this is your Captain speaking, this is the culmination of El Al flight 761. We welcome you to Ben Gurion Airport and Tel Aviv. Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until the plant is completely at standstill and the seatbelt sign has been turned off. And to those who are still seated we wish you merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”